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  • 大久保澄子のプロフィール - Sumiko Okubo's Profile

  • 大久保澄子のコメント - Sumiko Okubo's Commentary



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東京生まれ  女子美術大学芸術学部デザイン科卒業
1981 英国留学(~86年)ノーマン・アクロイドに師事
1986 Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design Diploma of S.A.S Printmaking 大学院修了
1985 Royal Academy of Arts,ドローイング水彩部門賞(BBC)/ロンドン, ~’17 出品
‘04 Academy 選抜展(Aberithtwith Art Center/ウェールズ),’86 Royal Society of Painters Etchers Engraver(Bankside Gallery/ロンドン)、Hunting Art Prize/Mole Gallery),London Institute Selection of Art(National Theatre/ロンドン)
1988-‘19春陽展:国立新美術館( ‘92,’94、’95年奨励賞、’98年岡鹿之助賞)
1990-‘16 CWAJ現代版画展, ’90個展:(西武デパート美術画廊/所沢),‘ 91,’93,’95 個展:(Genkan Gallery/東京)、’91国際版画選抜展(Pacific Art Gallery/シカゴ、マイアミ)、’92~’21 British Printmakers Council Exhibition.
1994‘ 97,’00クラコウ国際版画トリエンナーレ/ポーランド,’96 バーゼル現代版画 7人展(Galerie Pierre Rippstein/スイス)、’98,’01,’04個展:(養清堂画廊/ 銀座)、’99,’01山本鼎版画大賞展:(上田創造館/長野)、’00ヴイーナスたち の100年展(日本橋三越)、’98 青森版画大賞展:青森市民美術展示館)  
2006 個展:(ART BOX GALLERY/銀座)、作品集『大久保澄子 自然の詩を描く』刊行
2007‘09,’10 個展:(GALLERY Olive Eye/銀座),’10 Horse : Studio Sienko Gallery
2008,’14,’21個展:(STUDIO SIENKO GALLERY/ロンドン) 個展:’09,’11,’14 ,’16,’,’17,’21(ギャラリー颯/金沢),’10,’16,’17
2009 春陽会理事就任~
2011,’11,’13Fellow Artist:Studio Sienko Galleryロンドン, ’11,’13,’15’,17’
2012 個展:(沼津市庄司美術館/沼津、ギャラリーパーシモン/山梨)
2013 ベストセレクション美術2013年(東京都美術館)、’13,’14,’16、’18 個展: (紅椿それいゆ/京都)
2014 Symbolism in Abstraction :(Studio Sienko Gallery/ロンドン)、版画家たちの道行く筋も-4人展-(Frederick Harris Gallery/東京アメリカンクラブ
2015  East -West Artist Selection:(Posk Gallery/ロンドン)
2018 個展:(Frederick Harris Gallery /Tokyo American club/ギャラリーゴトウ/ 銀座) Prezeglad Suztuki 国際現代美術コレクションERNATYWY33/GALLERIA33/ポーランド)
2019,’20 個展:(ギャラリーゴトウ/銀座)、谷川俊太郎を描く出版記念展(ギャラ リーゴトウ/銀座)          
収蔵:大英博物館、Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design/ セントラル美術館(ロ ンドン)、チェンマイ大学美術館(タイ)、Ogilvy & Mather Advertisingニュー ヨーク)今治市吉海町郷土文化センター(今治)、沼津市庄司美術館(沼津)、女子美術大学美術館他

e-mail:sumiko-central@nifty.com                                                                         http://sumiko-central.com

Sumiko Okubo's Profile

Born in Tokyo. Graduated Womens College of Fine Arts,Design Dept,Tokyo
1981-’86 Studied under Norman Ackroyd at Morley College in London
1986 Completed Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design Diploma of S・A・S Printmaking /London.
1985-’17 Prize in Water Color & Drawing at the Royal Academy of Arts (BBC).
Selection of the Academy Exhibition (Aberystwyth Art Center/Wales),~’18 Artist Prints at the Royal Festival Hall (Prints Makers Council)London
1986-’15 Royal Society of Painters Etchers (Bankside Gallery).’86 Hunting Art Prize (Mole Gallery )、London Institute Selection of Art(National Theatre) ,Hunting Art Prize(Mole Gallery/London)
1988-’19 Shunyo-kai Art Exhibition (The National Art Centure Tokyo), ’92, ’94, ’95
Shunyo-kai Encouragement prize,’98 OKA Shikanosuke prize .
1990-’16 CWAJ Print Show,Tokyo,’90 Solo Exhibition (Seibu Department),
’91,’93,’95 Solo Exhibitio(Genkan Gallery/Tokyo),International Print Colection(Pacific Art Gallery/Chicago,Maiami),
1992,~’21 Printmakers Council Exhibition/London
1994,’97, ‘00 “Krakow International Prints Triennial”/ Poland, Basel Modern Art Exhibition- 7Japanische-Grafik(Galeria Rippstein/Switzerland).’98,’01,’04 Solo Exhibition (Yoseido Gallery),’98Aomori prints Grand Prix Competition.
1999 Japan, Thailand Contemporary Art Exhibition (The Chanmai Art Museum/Thailand), ‘99, ‘01 YAMAMOTO Kanae Print Grand Prix. Solo Exhibition :’06 Art Box Gallery,* Published “OKUBO Sumiko: Songs of Nature”,Venus:A Centenary Exhibition(Mitsukoshi Department Gallery) Solo Exhibition: '06 ART BOX GALLERY/Ginza* Published OKUBO Sumiko: [Songs of Nature]
Venus: A Centenary Exhibition (Mitsukoshi Department Gallery)
2007, ‘05,’11 Solo Exhibition :( GALLERY Olive Eye)
2009, ’11,’14’16,'17,'21 GallerySou/Kanazawa).’11,’13,’15,’17,’19,'21 Gallery Ichimainoe/Ginza Director of Shunyo-kai Art Society~
2008,’14,'21 Solo Exhibition: STUDIO SIENKO GALLERY. Fellow Artist : Studio Sienko Gallery/London
2010,’16,’17 Solo Exhibition : RIVERSIDE GALLERY, London.
2011,’13,’14 Invited to Acia International Artist Exhibition: ((Wollcyon Museum/Soul),Fellow Artist(Studio Sienko Gallery/London.
2012 Solo Exhibition :( Mon Musee, Shoji Museum of Art, Numazu) Gallery Persimmon /Yamanashi).
2013  Best Selection of Art 2013, Tokyo Metoropolitan ArtMuseum. ‘13,’14,’16,’18: Solo Exhibition :Benitsubaki Soleil/Kyoto.  
Symbolism in Abstraction:Sutudio Sienko Gallery,
Beyond Printmaking:The Many Path of an Artist:Frederick Harris Gallery/ Kamiyacyou..
2015  East-West Artist :Posk Gallery/London.  Many other Exhibitions
2018  Solo Exhibition:(Frederick Harris Gallery/Tokyo American Club),Gallery Gotou/Ginza), Przeglad Szutuki International Modern Art collection(ALTERNATWY33/ GALLERIA33)Poland. Many others
2019,’20 Solo Exhobition: (Gallery Goto/Ginza). The Selected Poem of Tanigawa Shuntaro Commemorative Art Exhibition: (Gallery Goto Ginza)
Affiliation Member of the Shunyo-kai Art Society(‘08~’19 Director), Japan Artists Association, International Artist Association, British Print makers Council.
Collection: British Museum, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, Central Museum, London, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, New York, Yoshiumi Cultural Center, Imabari.Shoji Museum, Numazu, Women's college of fine arts museum, etc

e-mail:sumiko-central@nifty.com                                                                         http://sumiko-central.com


ギャラリー一枚の繪、ギャラリーゴトウ、養清堂画廊、ギャラリーヴィヴァン, ARTBOX
ギャラリー颯/金沢。 紅椿それいゆ/京都。ギャラリーパーシモン/山梨。
Riverside Gallery、STUDIO SIENKO Gallery/London.

OKUBO Sumiko Works Handling Gallery:

Gallery Ichimainoe, Gallery Goto, THE YOSEIDO GALLERY, Galerie VIVANT, ART BOX GALLERY,
Gallery Uesuto/Tokyo. Gallery Sou/Kanazawa. Benitsubaki Soleil/Kyoto.
Gallery Persimmon/Yamanashi.
Riverside Gallery, STUDIO SIENKO GALLERY/London.

東京都生まれ。女子美術大学デザイン科卒業。81年渡英。81~83年Sir John Cass College、Morley Collegeに学ぶ。86年Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design S.A.S Printmakingを修了し、87年まで同大学院助手。Terry Greaves、Norman Ackroyd、Chris Orrに師事した。International Prints Triennial at Krakow、The Royal Academy of Arts受賞ほか多数の国際展に出品。個展はRiverside Gallery、Studio Sienko Gallery(ロンドン)、沼津市庄司美術館など国内外多数。春陽展では96年会員推挙。98年春陽展岡鹿之助賞。 2009年~2019年春陽会理事を務める。2000年 ヴイーナスたちの100年展(日本橋三越)。 2011年~2013年亜細亜国際画家展招待出品(月田美術館/ソウル)。2013年ベストセレクション美術2013(東京都美術館)。15年East-West Artists Selection(ロンドン)。現在、春陽会会員。日本・国際美術家連盟会員、英国Printmakers Council会員。主な収蔵先に大英博物館やCentral Saint Martins美術館、沼津市庄司美術館。パブリックコレクション多数。
大久保澄子:版を用いた絵画ともいえる作風で知られ、春陽会版画部の中枢を担う大保 澄子は日本とイギリスを中心に30年余りにわたって精力的に発表を続けている。銅版画に木版画、ドローイングやコラージュ、ブロンズの立体など、自らの感性に従って多彩な表現に取り組み、類をみない独自のスタイルを築き上げてきた。「青春プレイバック」新美術新聞記事no.1484から抜粋.
email:sumiko-central@nifty.com                                                                        http://sumiko-central.com

Sumiko Okubo :One of the leading contemporary printmakers and artist in the UK ,Japan. Her prints and drawings reflecting the nature and the elements with beautiful color scheme. Sumiko Okubo finds inspiration in the change of seasons. Her works includes Wood block, Etching, Collagraph, Mixed Media, Painting. Sculpture. Her works exhibited in the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Society of Painters Ether Engraver, Riverside Gallery, Studio Sienko Gallery/London. Mon Musee Numazu/Numazu. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Nagoya Museum Art Gallery/Tokyo. Wollcyon Museum/Soul. Many others 1986 Completed Central School of Art & Design Diploma of SAS Printmaking/London.
Prize: Royal Academy of Arts Honorable Mentions in Water Color (BBC London) OKA Shikanosuke Prize (Shunyo Art Exhibition/Tokyo Metropolitan Museum) Scholarship Prize Shunyo Art Exhibition/Tokyo Metropolitan Museum).
Collection: British Museum, Central Saint Martins College of Arts & Design, Central Museum/ London, Numazu-Shi Shoji Museum /Numazu, Chiang Mai Art University Museum/Thailand, Ogilvy & Mather Advertising/New York. Oketo Poppo Art Museum/Hokkaido.

Affiliation: Director of Shunyo-Kai Art Society, Member of Japan/International Artist’s Association, Member of the British Printmakers Council.

Sumiko Okubo's Commentary


メインとするテーマは「実り」その中に「森への誘い」「道標」「収穫」「名残の色」「船出」シリーズがあります。版画と合わせてミクストメディア(一点物) も制作しています。                     

*A Wish for the Harvest (along with my works)

The main theme is “Harvest”, and inside that there are “A Temptation to the forest”, ”A Signpost”, ”Crop”, ”Remaining Colors of Autumn” series. I am working on mixed media (tableau) as well.
The M series mixed media are an original art works including (pigment, drawing , emboss), and it is a tableau.

*森への誘いⅧ、Ⅹ(版画)森への誘い M-15~25


* A Temptation to the Forest VIII (Etching) A Temptation to the Forest -15~25

My childhood memories, surrounded by full of natures, peaceful and dreaming in a warm sunlight is connected to “A Temptation to the Forest” series. Desires, anxiety, hope, fulfillment, choosing from the things I meet and memorizing them. Going through the door to the mental forest there is a beautiful harvesting forest. The air of the great natural light is embracing the forest gently, and nurturing life, inviting and healing people’s heart to the harvesting world. To connect my creativity to the infinite nature, “Waiting for the Seasons”, “ A Harvest Season”, was made. From the deserted winter forest to the flowering spring forest, it is an homage depicting four seasons of the nature.

*森への誘いⅨ -飛び立つときー(版画)


* A Temptation to the forest IX – Time to fly off- (Etching)

Praising adorable lives nurtured in the forest, birds almost flying to the big nature from their nests, people going into society to challenge their new dreams. Imagining challenges for both hope and anxiety for the unknown future, I have a message for the new starts, and positive opportunities. Basing purple as a background, this work is done on Japanese paper with pigment, oil ink and emboss and have editions.

*森への誘い M-19 -天使の詩―


* A Temptation to the Forest-19 -A Poem of the Angel-

Adorable angel fallen on the forest with other friends. ”Happiness came along with the wind”. Praying for peace and hope, using active form and warm colors, I made mixed media(tableau) using Japanese paper with pigment, oil ink, pastel and emboss.

* 森への誘いM-22-道標―


* A Temptation to the Forest M-22 –A Signpost–

The journey of life, harvest, the bright paradise filled with hope after going over many hardships, meeting loving people in the big nature and the love songs are the theme of Signpost series. Based on yellow color using Japanese paper with pigment, oil ink, pastel and emboss, and made into a mixed media.

*森への誘いM-23―名残の色― 名残の色 H―1(版画)


* A Temptation to the Forest M-23 –Remaining Colors of Autumn H-1 (Etching)–

The changes within four seasons, the transparent scenery reflected on thin ice, the living creatures appearing upon the water getting warm, the colors of people meeting and leaving are the images of this work. I used both cold and warm colors. Japanese paper with pigment, oil ink, and emboss, and made into a mixed media (tableau) with woodcut, etching, collagraph, have editions.

*船出R-3 ボンボヤージ R-1 R-2 笹舟の行くところ R-1


*Bon Voyage R-3 R-1 R-2 -Where the bamboo grass ship goes R-1-

From the Noah’s ark (The Creation), we human are like on our voyages. What kind of world there is going to be after going through many waves? Yes, let’s go on a voyage today, we will be traveling through high and low waves, facing the paradise!
Made with same image as above, in etching collagraph, editions available.